施坦威藝術家 Giorgi Latso先生大師班及工作坊
Steinway Artist Masterclass & Workshop by Mr. Giorgi Latso

  1. 觀眾旁聽可自由選擇入場時間 。
    Observing audiences are free to choose your entry time.
  2. 演奏者最終出席情況和演奏曲目將由演奏者最終決定。
    The final attendance status of the performers and the repertoire will be determined by the performers themselves.
  3. 觀衆旁聽可獲得通利琴行優惠卷。
    Observing audiences will receive a Tom Lee Music coupon.
  4. 本次活動將以英語進行,現場將有翻譯協助。
    The workshop will be conducted in English, and there will be translation assistance available on-site.
  5. 如有任何爭議,通利琴行有限公司擁有最終決定權。
    In case of any dispute, the decision of Tom Lee Music Co., Ltd is final.
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Please noted that all time slots are filled, thank you for your support!
Audience is strongly advised to arrive at least 15-20 minutes before the performance starts, and present the QR code to our staffs upon entry. Latecomers will only be admitted during the intermission or at a suitable break. Thank you for your cooperation. In case of any dispute, the decision of Tom Lee Music Co., Ltd is final.

Tom Lee Music